6th Annual VZV Satellite Workshop
Saturday, July 30, 2005
13:30 to 16:30 Turku Fair and Congress Center

The VZV Satellite Workshop focuses on VZV research issues and allows more personal interactions among these researchers beyond those that occur during the general meeting. This year we again plan to have a three hour meeting, which will make it possible for more researchers to present their data. If you submit an abstract to IHW 2005 that involves research on VZV and would like to participate in the satellite workshop, please also send your abstract via e-mail to one of the organizers listed below. In addition, as you learn whether your abstracts have been accepted for oral presentation at the main meeting, please let us know as soon as possible. We will accommodate as many speakers as possible, but will schedule those who won't have the opportunity to present at the main meeting on a priority basis. We
hope to have the agenda complete and distributed by e-mail no later than mid-June. If you are selected to present your submitted abstract but have a more intriguing nascent piece of work (a hot topic or late breaker) that you prefer to present at the satellite meeting, please be certain that you get the alternative abstract submitted to us as early as possible, preferably within a week after the tentative agenda is announced.


The Organizers:

Ann Arvin
phone: (650) 723-5682
e-mail: arvinam@leland.stanford.edu

Jeff Cohen
phone: (301) 496-5265
e-mail: jcohen@niaid.nih.gov

Scott Schmid
phone: (404) 639-0066
e-mail: dss1@cdc.gov