How to get to Turku

You may reach Turku by air via Helsinki , Stockholm or Copenhagen . Shuttle buses depart from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport to Turku (2.5 hours, departures every hour). In addition, you may take a cruiser from Stockholm through one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world. For more information about Turku and travel connections, we advice you to consult the information below or for general information of Turku region the website:


Official Airline

SAS – Scandinavian Airlines is pleased and proud to be appointed as the Official Airline for IHW 2005. SAS offers delegates and accompanying persons special flexible and favorable conference fares to Finland . To obtain SAS conference fares kindly contact your nearest SAS office and quote the reference number: FI 0501.

SAS offers a special flexible conference fare on both business and economy class.

Please note that spouse fares are also available.

For further information about SAS Official Airline and your nearest SAS office kindly visit

If you travel to Scandinavia with SAS and want to see more of Scandinavia SAS is furthermore offering SAS Visit Scandinavia Air Pass for travel within and between Scandinavia/Finland. Also Air Passes valid for travel to the Baltic region and Europe are available; see more information and conditions on