Post-doc and graduate student competition for free registration

All graduate students and post-docs are invited to submit an abstract before the regular abstract submission deadline. All abstracts submitted by the 15th of February will be considered by members of the IHW 2008 scientific advisory committee, and assessed in terms of scientific merit and impact to the field. The presenting authors of 30 selected abstracts will be offered complimentary registration at this meeting, and successful applicants will be notified by the 29th of February.

Submitters participating in the free registration competition should wait to register until they are notified of their award status. If awarded the free registration, you will be notified by February 29th and provided instructions on how to register.

Winners of the free registration competition will NOT be allowed to modify the abstract they submitted for the competition. If you are not awarded the free registration, you will be able to modify your abstract before the regular submission deadline of April 4th, 2008.

For questions regarding the free registration competition contact:
Vanessa Porter, Abstract Coordinator
503-244-4294 Ext. 207

33rd Annual International Herpes Virus Workshop
July 27 - August 1, 2008 — Estoril, Portugal